Sunday, September 27
The Look of Autumn...
Ooohh! I forgot to tell you..check out the front page of the "O" section of the Oregonian today, "Ringmasters of the barn sales". It's a great article about our fellow "flea" friends and upcoming events. Kudoz to Queen of Tarte and Barnhouse!
Friday, September 25
Business Opportunity...
Monticello is looking for an upholsterer or interior designer to rent a 750 sq. ft. area and private office. This area is located off the furniture showroom. Offered at $795/month including utilities & Garbage. This is a great location to attract new clients, great exposure and convenience, and free advertisement on Monticello Web blog! Email:
Thursday, September 24
Lets Go Antiquing!
The kids are back in school and Fall is in the air. Doesn't that make you want to get out and smell the cool air, grab some coffee and head to Monticello! This is the last week of the Fall Premier Show and some are offering 10-15% off...yippee! The mall is packed with great merchandise so put us on your "places to go & things to do" list. We're open everyday!
Monday, September 14
Summers end...Fall is in the air...
It's time to say goodbye to Summer and welcome in the Fall. Which means it's time to start "nesting" inside and making the home warm and cozy. How about a warm soak in this fabulous oak trimmed galvanized tub! Come in and check it out.
Our Fall Premier Show is still going strong and our exhibitors have been restocking with great new treasures. Our dealers will all be in Thursday night to restock and fluff their spaces so this weekend will be a great time to come in and see what's new!
Friday, September 4
Fall Premier Show is Here!
Fall Premier 006, originally uploaded by monticelloantiques.
Thursday, September 3
Sneak Peeks of the Show..
I wanted to get a few pictures on to show everyone what's in store for you tomorrow! Everybody is frantically working to finish up and it's looking great. Gotta get back to work! So much more to do! See you tomorrow!
And speaking of, our next upcoming event is of course the biggest show of the year, our "Old Fashioned Christmas" Show coming December 4th. Our loyal customers are in for a treat because this year it's bigger and better than EVER! I'll be announcing the line-up soon. It's going to be fabulous... I promise.