Monday, December 5

An Amazing Christmas Show...

This past weekend was a whirlwind of shoppers that came out for the opening of our much anticipated Christmas show and boy did they come!
Shoppers lined up early Friday morning and when the doors opened, they were on a mission and the buying  was fast and furious.

Thank you to everyone who came out for this magical event.  You amazed us with your buying power!  But then again, Monticello has the best selection of ornaments, fresh wreaths, garland and greenery.  

If you haven't made it in worries. The dealers have been in several times already and restocked merchandise, greenery and ornaments galore!
The show runs through January 1st and we're open everyday!
Come for the treasures and lots of inspiration.

In addition to our Christmas Show, the whole mall is filled with beautiful displays and Christmas spirit.

Come to Monticello Antique Marketplace for all your decorating ideas
 and creative therapy!
You'll be inspired...I promise!

Thanks for stopping by...



  1. The Monticello Christmas Show was SOOO worth the drive down Thursday night (and the hotel) so we could be up bright and early for shopping! And so exciting to be first in line too.

    What wonderful dealers and great displays! I'm still trying to figure out how to come down again before it's all over!

  2. Thanks Patty!

    Hope you can make it down again, too.
    So much stuff is pouring in. Next time, we'll have more time to chat and exchange notes for that book! LOL


  3. Hi Joyce! Not just your ordinary show my friend....This is TRULY the BEST SHOW on the west coast! I flew up from So. CA. to see the best finds! I will be at every show...can't wait for the spring show!! Bringing girlfriends and we will go out for a special nite. Thank you...for all you do!! xoxokathee

  4. Amazing as always! I posted bunches of photos as well - so inspiring. -amy

  5. Beautiful!!! I am anxious to get back over there again!!! Hugs! Florence

  6. Dear Kathee California!

    Thank you for all your kindness. Soo happy you came up for this event.
    Cannot wait for you to come back for girls night out!

    Big hug, Joyce
