Monday, August 8

Fresh Makeovers...

A few dealers were in yesterday and did a total "makeover" so I thought I'd share them with you.

This is Debbie & Laurie of Worthy Goods
Who we affectionately refer to as "The Good Girls"

This is Julie of Kindred Roses
Great cottage primitives with a touch of french

This is Diana of Annie Fannie & Abigail
Queen of smalls and the art of displaying them!

This is my space, Calamity Janes
I worked hard yesterday too!

There's so much more to feast your eyes on at Monticello and this is just a teeny tiny sampling of what you'll see. Come and spend a few hours and have lunch while you're here.

The Salvage Garden is packed full of your favorite things too...
but not for long because...

The FALL PREMIER SHOW is coming soon!

I'll be announcing our lineup this week so stay tuned...
it's going to be fabulous!  I'm so excited and you're going to be too!

Mark  September 9th on your calendar for Monticello Antique Marketplace!

 And be sure to sign up on our mailing list and follow us on Facebook and here on the blog for all the latest news and happenings.

Until next time...