Monday, July 18

Who Cannot Resist a Good Book...

Let's talk books.  I cannot resist a good decorator book or books with great covers and old leather.  Not only are they great for actually reading, but they also have many great uses. 

We stack them and use them as a shelf to display our favorite little treasures on.  They're great to display in cabinets or bookshelves or displaying with groupings of antiques and vintage collections.

They can make us forget about our stressful lives as we flip through the pages of pretty pictures of interior design, decorating, gardens and outdoor living. 
They give us inspiration to draw from.
They get our creative juices flowing and give us so many ideas.  They make us think, "Wow", I can do that!

So take some time today and pick up a book.  You'll be inspired. 
And maybe even learn a thing or two! (ya think?)

All these great books are available at
Monticello Antique Marketplace

Happy reading!



  1. HI Joyce ,
    I recognize items from my booth, the locker basket , old gear , silver brush , but you put them together so beautifully! Awesome photos and gorgeous books

  2. Joyce I can't get enough great old leather books!! And I'm really enjoying your vignettes! They're delish! Vanna
