Thursday, January 27

Dream Garden Shed

This sweet garden shed is our newest addition to the salvage garden.  It can be yours, delivered and setup. It measures 12'x6'x10'. The siding, roofing, windows, inside details, built-in sink are all from vintage recycled materials.  The decorative piece around the 1946 sink came from a 100 year old headboard!  Also comes with two built-in chandeliers! This is a must-see, must-have!


  1. OK, now I know I just HAVE to come visit! To long since the Christmas show!
    Your new blog & web site is lovely -)

  2. It's really a fantastic piece of content. I do appreciate the wonderful job produced by your business

  3. so very sweet! have to come and visit really soon! just love the look of the new blog site too!

  4. I love your store and your blog! I've only been to visit in person one time...I can hardly wait to come back. Great dealers, friendly staff and fantastic merchandise! I want that shed! Thanks for sharing the eye candy....kathee
