Monday, August 2

A Shout Out to the Boys of Barn House

A BIG Kudoz to Joe & Jermonne for a fabulous show on Saturday.  All of us at Monticello who were guest vendors at this amazing event would like to thank you for sharing your beautiful home and property and being such gracious hosts to all of us and the hundreds of eager shoppers who came out.  There was so much great stuff that most shoppers didn't even mind waiting in the mile long line of cars waiting to get in!  You even went the extra mile and started shuttling customers who had to park a mile away! Now that's service!  What a GREAT day in the country.  I put just a couple of pictures on from the show but check out some of the other dealer blogs that have already posted some great pictures.  Let's do it all over again next year!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Joyce! Your space R-O-C-K-E-D!!! Totally awesome...TOTALLY awesome!!! We love-love-love having you with us. BUT, we really need to make more time outside of the crazy show frenzy madness. Let's get something on the calendar soon.

    Much-MUCH LOVE,

    J & J
